Stretchy Wraps / Close Caboo

Stretchy wraps or the Close Caboo are the perfect slings for Newborns 

The stretchy wrap or the close caboo are really great options for newborn babies, premature babies or low weight babies.
The really great thing about stretchy wraps is that they can be pre-tied and you can pop your little baby in and out all day long. They are also a great option for those who are breastfeeding as you can breastfeed your baby in the stretchy wrap meaning that you can tend to other simple tasks such as getting an older toddler a snack, making yourself a cup of tea etc
Generally, stretchy wraps are used for the first 6 months. We stock the Love Radius original, the Love Radius basic and the Sleepydust stretchy wrap. If you have twins or would like to use this type of wrap for as long as possible I would choose the Love Radius Original as they are definitely most supportive. If you have a premature or low weight newborn baby please do get in touch with me and I can offer you advise as to the best type to go for based on your needs

If you like the idea of the wrap, in that it is really soft, easy for breastfeeding and being able to pre-tie it but you are put off by actually having to wrap it I would suggest that you take a look at the Close Caboo as these are very like a stretchy wrap but pre-tied for you making them very simple to use. They can be used from 2.3kg (5 pounds) so a lovely option for the smaller baby
As always if you would like any advise please contact me on 0879981367, email or pop into me at Snugglebugs HQ, Clondalkin, D22 and I will help you